Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mauri Ora Manaiakalani (Wiki 6)

This session has probably been the deepest dive I've done yet. One thing I've forgotten to mention in previous posts is that I like that the agenda for DFI delivers the content through various types of sessions- levelling up, chalk n talk, explore etc. Certainly keeps me on my digital toes.

On Sites

I'm so thankful to those teachers and schools who've opened up their learning sites for the world to see. The cosmetics, aesthetics and content is awesome - a massive contribution. New learning for me was knowing the difference between embedding and linking. 

Some of my students were restricted from viewing our new site... a little frustrating. At first I thought it was a problem with my settings in sites - all but 8 students can view it with no problems. I'm thankful for the support (Maria K) 

Anyway, loved adding backgrounds and playing around with buttons. I'm happy with the layout, but the "content" needs to be sorted. I need to load up on snacks in this weeks shopping - I'm predicting some late nights over the next two weeks. 

On sites evaluation: 

What a helpful tool. It's great seeing all the ideas and critiques pooled into one handy doc. This allowed me to look carefully at my own site, and target some very specific goals. I liked looking at my own bubble's sites, especially since we're all teaching different year groups. You can see the difference in the way sites tend to look for primaries, as opposed to secondaries. 

On multimodal:  I need to refer to the rewindables to grab some ideas. Now, time to nab some time.

He mihi kau ana ki te paepae o Manaiakalani. Rū ana te roro.  Mihi atu ki te mirumiru miharo o Amy Tofu. Nā te mirumiru nai au i tiaki. Tēnā koutou katoa. 


  1. Kia ora Pare, the site work you shared with us is amazing. I really like how you are using student work as your background and your students are visible on the site. The site totally represents your tamariki. Nga mihi for your awesome mahi. See you next week. Amy

  2. Kia ora Pare, I have enjoyed reading your posts and after this one I am left wondering how many snacks you got through in your weekend site building marathon! I hope you share the link to your site on this blog for us all to enjoy :)
