Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mauri Ora Manaiakalani (Week 5)

 He rawe rawa atu tēnei akoranga mō te wā. He maha ngā pūkenga hei mau me ngā mātauranga e hāngai ana ki te ao matihiko. Kua kii taku roro (phew) ā tino miharo te ao hangarau. 

Thanks for another intense session of learning how to create online spaces that are functional accessible and available for our learners. Enjoyed Dorothy Burt's mātauranga around visibility. As teacher's we know the frustration of having to get access to knowledge that you know is there, you know you need it, but you need a code or password from the tech guy or girl whose next visit is scheduled for next week. One week in teacher time in the digital world is equivalent to one term. 

On Sites: Quite interesting to compare Hapara and Sites - one is appropriate and suitable for sharing and viewing 'learner's learning, whilst the other is equipped for sharing and viewing the 'teacher's' teaching.  Very handy indeed

Had fun navigating around in Sites. I've seen a shift from the x gen to z gen in the way those older sites function and look cosmetically. Who would have thought reading, writing and maths would ever be featured as buttons on a website.

On Jamboard: I've seen the jamboard logo in the drive grid. Now I know how I might use it. If there was just one upgrade for google to consider - it would be to add a link function, otherwise - yes, I like. 

On labels: Another really cool little quick access tool. I kind of got lost in the sharing part because I was busy trying to build my site. 

We are certainly competing for our learner's attention, against gaming, social media, etc, so I guess the more engaging (pretty and cool) and interactive we can make online learning spaces look, then we have a shot. 

Tēnā koe e Amy mō tō kaha ki te manaaki i a mātou bubble. 


  1. Kia ora Pare, thank you for your wonderful reflection. Yes the world of digital technology is amazing. It opens up a whole lot of wonderful opportunities for us to engage our tamariki in their learning. Was trying to view your site but the link was not working. We can get that sorted no problem. Thank you for your mahi and contribution to our bubble discussions. Have a great week. Amy

    1. Kia ora Amy. I forgot to add a thank you for the amazing Multi-text Data resource created in sheets. I have some resource that could go in there too. I'll add once I get an opportunity.

  2. Kia ora Pare,
    A great reflection. That visibility is so important for our tamariki and their whānau. Your site looks like it is only visible to people in your school domain. Are you able to change that so anyone with the link can view?
    Ngā mihi nui

    1. I cannot seem to find the sharing the option to make my test site visible. I'll go back to our rewindables and find that info

  3. Kia ora Pare,
    I would love to look at your site too! When you are in edit mode on your site here is how to share it and get the published link.
    Ngā mihi,

  4. Mōrena Pare,
    Love the title of your blog - bring on a good 2021! I did 'Save the Octopi" too for my site but I have enjoyed looking at yours, a different perspective of setting it up. Might change mine a little - have you had the chance to do anything with your multi-model text site this week? I managed to pass mine onto Year 5/6 teachers. They loved it! See you soon.
