Nei rā anō te mihi ki a mātou nei kaimahi kua whakawhanake ake i mātou. Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngāhere, ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōnā te ao. Tō mātou waimārie.
I've just realised how much I enjoy online learning as opposed to face to face interaction. Yes yes I know, there are myriads of posts out there highlighting the importance of physical interaction and sharing your space with others 'in person', but honestly, I don't mind meeting and learning from this side of my screen. I don't know how delivering content online all day would go though. A very intensive session indeed.
On Google Sheets. I remember the first time I used Microsoft spreadsheets a thousand years ago - having to analyse our personal family savings over years wasn't so tedious compared to recording dates and totals in a ledger book. Today we have super smart functions eg: 'insert chart' which has a range of speedy organisational tools and quick enhancing features. I never really used Google Sheets for much other than financial related data - until I saw a friend using it to create tukutuku patterns for a korowai. Tukutuku using Google Docs (by Cher Pahi)
Although I think I am pretty much up to play with Google Sheets, but it's always good to have a refresher.
The functions available are incredible. I absolutely love the sharing ability that GSuite tools and apps have.
On Blogger:
Never thought to have my students create and analysis chart about their blog posts data using Google Sheets. Great activity. Why Blogger? Functional and effective...
- no distractions on the interface for students
- hassle free sign in because it's all connected to G suite,
- can check up, check in and check over all student posts.
- a roll down feature down the side - reaches a wide audience.
- supports a Cybersmart Curriculum, to make smart sharers, and learn to behave in real time.
On Forms:
We use forms for all sorts of learning, and my students have created lots of forms for each other. We've had discussions around how our forms should be filed. Some liked to file in topic folders, others collated all forms together and all docs. Off topic - I'm still learning to keep my own filing system in order.
What I came away with: Sharing power has the power to open doors beyond doors and don' t forget to enable 'share.' so others can access your resources.
Kia ora Pare, wow those tukutuku patterns are amazing. I like how you have included the golden reminder at the end of your post. Enable viewing access to anyone with the link can view. There are many great ideas we can take away from DFI days and your reflection highlights clearly what your take aways are. I look forward to reading in future blog posts how these are doing with your tamariki. Have a great weekend. See you next week.
Kia Ora Pare,
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you're finding more new and interesting ways to use tools that you were already competent with. Great idea creating the Tukutuku - thanks for sharing. I too love the way that google suite is compatible with each other. Makes embedding work really easy. Did you know that if you embed a chart in sites, and update the data, the chart updates automatically. Such a create feature; just make sure you embed, rather than copying it as an image.