This is a late post which was due over a week ago.
On Scratch:
One of the best things of seen for my ākonga is that they feel confident when they are creating and programming interactive stories and games. They're thinking creatively, reasoning systematically and although they're not yet working collaboratively, I'm looking forward to seeing them work on projects together. I've had a go at Scratch Jnr alongside a group, and was just amazed to see how quickly they learned to navigate and create.
On Pepeha
Few gliches along the way that frustrated me, hence why I never completed the task for the day. I will go back in later and have another go later, as I'd love for my class to create their own. I like showing off my creations and watch them take their learning to levels beyond.
On Blogging
At the moment we have a class blog and when my students create a file and save it to their folders in drive, I need to open the file publish to web and copy and paste the embedding code to the html format in our blog. While I'm getting better at that, I'd like for my own students to learn the process, and take on that role. Not only will it make things easier for me, but it will definitely give me back some time, and give them a little mana.
Blogging is an awesome platform to reflect, record and share all teaching and learning. I'm excited about my students having their own blogs and being able to connect to other students of similar interests around the motu.
One downer: I wish it was easy to locate anyone's blog via the omnibox.
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