On Connection
It's been a fabulous and intense journey. I've just watched Russel Burt on 'the principles of equity and access' Thank you for aligning this whole kaupapa with the principles upon which the Te Tiriti o Waitangi is founded on. Equality/equity... it all falls under the right for 'all' learners to being able to access quality content, information and learning - without prejudices, disadvantages and other burdensome barriers. Ngā mihi nui e te rangatira, nā tō whakaaro rangatira ka tūwhera whānui ake te tatau o te ao hangarau matihiko mō ā tātou tamariki. Tēna koe.
One slide that resonates with me is slide 6. I too, and I'm sure thousands of other teachers have the problem of competing against fortnite and instagram for the attention of our students. But I'm sure I have a better chance winning them over and keeping them engaged, with a chromebook and sites than I would with pen and pad.
... post to be continued...
... Wow, today my ākonga followed one of the cybersmart activities under Tū Atamira in our Sites. I've never heard such wonderful silence. The whole room completely still and all eyes fixated. If I can get this intensity of engagement for every topic across the curriculum, I'll have a class of digital māori speaking Einsteins.
Each time we look at other class blogs across the Manaiakalani cluster, my ākonga are inspired to comment, inspired to learn, inspired to create and 'somewhat' inspired to share... yes to the power of connectedness.
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