Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mauri Ora Manaiakalani (Wiki 1)


Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy

He mihi tuatahi tēnei ki ngā pouārahi o tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira te DFI. Nā koutou i whakawhanake ake i te ao matihiko hāngarau, nō reira tēnā koutou katoa. Tuarua ki tōku kaiārahi a Amy Tofa. Tēnā rawa atu koe e te māreikura mō tō mōhiotanga me tō patience lol.

Absolutely loved all the wananga facilitated by our Manaiakalani leaders today.
I'm looking foward to exploring the new digital features - although I've no idea where I'll start yet. I've used google groups in the past but for some reason I resorted back to using emails to hui and share with colleagues. Points I will remember... -(1) it's not pretty with all the fancy frills, but it’s functional and efficient. (2) Click that blue button - which I've always ignored, (3) all replies save to the thread, (4) Leave Hapara to set up groups for kids, (5) Check with leadership before naming your group.

Still so much to learn and explore... just need "tutu time"


  1. Kia ora Pare, lovely to meet you in our digital bubble today. I really do hope one day our tamariki will be able to voice type in Te Reo. Let me know how you go with exploring further in your own time. I am keen to help if needed.

    PS:what was your google doc creation today? Would love to have a titiro.

    Nga mihi/alofa atu

  2. Kia ora Pare,
    I'm glad you enjoyed day 1. Google Groups is such a fantastic organisational tool. Glad we could remind you about that one.
    Hei apopo!

  3. Haha, it's not pretty but is functional and effective. Quite true. Sometimes functionality wins! I'm glad that you've found some new features to explore.
