Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Mauri ora Manaiakalani (Wiki 2)

A great session today building confidence and capability around improving workflow.
Did not realise how unruly my Gmail window was.  I like the 'super-handy' confidential icon. A few times I've sent an email and typed in the word confidential or private, in brackets. I've always wondered where 'archived' emails got archived to. Now that I know how to create, colour, name and edit labels - I'm certain my Gmail experience is going to be much better. 

I'm always looking for ways streamline data and increase workflow. Looking forward to exploring Google Keep a little more. Seemingly one of the simplest productivity tools I've seen for creating task-lists / reminders etc. I'm sure my students will have fun with this one. The icons are friendly on the eyes and clicking from one option to the next is easy and obvious.  I also like the location feature that allows you to put in a destination with your reminder note - and when you're near that area, it pings you a reminder. Great for students who may want to organise their own interests/learning, or set up reminders for practices, meetups and posting timelines.  Excellent resource :-)

Lost my way with the Tab taming session. Although I will go back and have a go at some of the tab management extensions. I did catch the comment at the end, about how to reopen a tab you've accidentally closed (something I'm guilty of a lot of the time) The amount of stress that could have been prevented had I known about 'command+shift+T.'   

I do use Calendar with my students already, but I'm thinking we could refer to it a lot more often and not rely on my 'sometimes failing memory' to remind us about what's coming up. 

Did not get an opportunity to record and upload a google meet discussion of myself and my google bubble colleague, however I can see huge potential for such an awesome capability. I did manage to read the blog of a young las from Matawaia School - Gisborne, who during the lockdown, made a table from some recycled materials for his motorcross gears. I sensed how pleased he was with his creation and loved his little product - purpose brief.

He mihi nunui anō ki a koutou ngā pou rangatira mō ō koutou kaha ki te manaaki i a mātou ngā ākonga. Tēnā āno hoki koe e te amokura a Amy Tofu me aku hoa i roto i taku mirumiru kukara (google bubble friends)


  1. Kia ora Pare,
    Thanks for being my Bubble Buddy today and while we didn't manage to create the recording, it was good to learn now what the issue is, rather than later when trying to use it with colleagues or students, as time is often more of a pressure at those times. I hope it gets worked out at your end - I am certainly hoping it is at my end soon.

    I completely agree with your description and conclusion about Google Keep and see some true potential in harnessing it as a tool for both teachers and students.

    Ka kite anō!

    1. It's a lot to take in, but I'm thankful for all the playback resources and help guides. Have a great week exploring Dian. Ka kite anō

  2. Kia ora Pare,
    Loved reading your reflection on your learning from the Workflow DFI day. It is great to read you see a lot potential in utilising your learning in your teaching practice. I use the Task List a lot and it really helps with my workflow. I especially love it at the end of the year when all the tasks are ticked off. I am looking forward to another great day of learning and collaborating tomorrow.

